High-quality pagemaking and translation of documents is a guarantee of perfect reputation! Appropriate format of the translated document, keeping the original layout is the company's signature.
We accept the most of known file formats. When you need to translate the document with sophisticated graphics, you can always be sure to get the final document identical to the original layout. The document accepted in work will be translated completely, including the text of the integrated images (figure titles) or superimposed over a complex background. You can send your files both in non-editable formats (PDF, jpg, tiff), and pagemaking packages (InDesign, QuarkXPress, FrameMaker, etc):
After your assignment is done, you will get not only PDF, but also the whole package of pagemaking files for further use both by other design specialists and printing houses. Work types:
Key software:
BENEVOX pagemaking services help your company to be presented as a solid enterprise focusing on each detail. Call us and improve your image!